The Fight Or Flight System
The fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response, refers to a physiological reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically.
In response to acute stress, the body's sympathetic nervous system is activated due to the sudden release of hormones. The sympathetic nervous systems stimulates the adrenal glands triggering the release of catecholamines, which include adrenaline and noradrenaline. This results in an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate. After the threat is gone, it takes between 20 to 60 minutes for the body to return to its pre-arousal levels. BUT in some cases the fight or flight response is pinched or for lack of a better term stuck and it just stays on ALL THE TIME. If that occurs the body runs hard and never shuts off and sleep is almost impossible. Eventually the body will develop a chronic illness.
If the fight or flight response is pinched and is constantly ON then the immune system is suppressed on purpose to convert food into Fuel VS nutrients.
It is also important to note that the response can be triggered due to both real and imaginary threats.
Trauma is stored in the subconscious mind in the deepest most primal part of our brain. They call it the lizard section of the brain because the lizard has that same brain. The autonomic nervous system is really the correct term, that system of your brain controls every system of your body. SO if that part of the brain believes its in your best interest if it stays ON all the time to protect you because that part of your brain really and truly believes that you simply can not take another trauma like the one you had way back when. So the autonomic nervous system does you a favor by staying on 24/7/365 just because it loves you so much and its job is to protect you from the big bad monster the problem is it loves you almost to the point of killing you.
So I have developed a healing technique that will TURN IT OFF and when that system stands down then you relax and every system of your body finally does the work it was designed to do and that is to heal you and protect you and build you strong.